Saturday, June 20, 2009

Where it came from

Growing up poor in Asia was something not new to a lot of people from that part of the world. My father was one of them, never had the opportunity to go beyond 2nd grade, not by choice but rather through circumstances. In spite of this he rose from poverty and sent 5 kids through college and more importantly, through the trials and tribulations of life. Some people become lawyers, and learn from the pages of a book... Others opt for medicine, and learn the trade that heals.... My father chose the Golf Course.... and one that I think of often, was a wonderful way to build a life.

After all, how many of us can wake up in the morning and gripe " Man I have to play Golf today"! A bummer of a career, but then a profession nevertheless. The worst part of this was, he got paid to wear the clothes, to use the clubs, to put some name on his bag, to endorse a brand, and to figure out life, from ten different countries all over the world.

Throughout life, we were lucky.. to share all the laughter and the wisdom that my father used to call... wisdom from grade two.... the highest education level, he attained.

1 comment:

  1. 1st year high school naman... but yes he is the greatest golfer in the world. =)
